Joan Graff (District X)
Sally Crabtree (Jacaranda Circle)
Donna Berger (GCS)
Phyllis Gidley (GCS)
The Garden Club of Stuart
Organized in 1936 - Federated in 1937
How to Join the Garden Club of Stuart
Community Involvement Projects
The Garden Club of Stuart is actively involved in numerous community and civic enterprises. Among them are:
Arbor Day tree plantings
Academic scholarships for county high school seniors
Boys and Girls Club of Palm City
Butterfly Sanctuary Certification
Camp Wekiva scholarships, counselors, leadership (click for more information)
Floral Design classes
Habitat for Humanity
House of Refuge
Allamanda Circle - holiday decoration & hosts the Open House at Christmas
Keep Martin Beautiful Great American Cleanup, Adopt-a-Road, Annual Awards Ceremony
National Garden Week
Penney Pines Program (click for more information)
Possum Long/Memory Lane (click for more information)
Rain Barrels
SEEK (Saving the Earth's Environment through Knowledge) scholarships
Treasure Coast Hospice maintaining butterfly gardens
Youth Gardener Programs at local elementary schools