Joan Graff (District X)
Sally Crabtree (Jacaranda Circle)
Donna Berger (GCS)
Phyllis Gidley (GCS)
The Garden Club of Stuart
Organized in 1936 - Federated in 1937
How to Join the Garden Club of Stuart
Members of the Garden Club of Stuart enjoy gardening and meet on a monthly basis from October through April. Meetings provide a venue to socialize and enjoy programs on a wide range of topics from guest speakers. Workshops (floral design, basket weaving, infusing herbs, making wreaths, etc.) and group trips (garden tours, flower shows, holiday tours, etc.) are part of our yearly activities.
We take pride in our community and implement projects which beautify the area. While maintaining Possum Long and the Treasure Coast Hospice Butterfly garden we also involve ourselves in civic activities such as the Blue Star Marker in Memorial Park and provide academic scholarships that help guide students’ interest not only in gardening, but in floral design and environmental issues. In addition, we provide youth opportunities to be educated about our environment by providing scholarships to Camp Wekiva and S.E.E.K.
To Join the Garden Club of Stuart
We ask that you attend two of our General Meetings as a guest within the current club year. As an active member we encourage you to participate in one or more of the 'Community Projects'. Once a member of the general club you can then join one of our circles. Check out our Circles below.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about gardening and our environment, become involved in community and civic projects and have a lot of fun.
The Value of Being a Member
Participate in monthly meetings and programs, floral design classes, field trips and various workshops and much more.
Join in on civic community projects of your interest.
From gardening to working with children. (Check out our About/Community Involvement Projects tab)
Make some new friends that have similar interests to you.
Receive a year book.
Year book provides a wealth of information about events and activities, meeting schedule, names, addresses, email addresses of all the members, monthly meeting assignments (such as greeters, Ways and Means duties, refreshment duties, etc.), Articles of Incorporation, financial information, District, State and National contacts.
Receive "The Florida Gardener" quarterly magazine produced by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc,.
The magazine provides news from all 12 Districts including their Flower Show and Events. It provides educational opportunities, legislative alerts, book reviews, projects, etc.
Join a Circle which also meets monthly in a more intimate setting.
They too have a variety of program topics. We have six circles: Allamanda, Hibiscus, Jacaranda, Periwinkle, Satin Leaf and Tabebula.
Automatically a member of National Garden Club, Florida Federation Garden Clubs, Inc. (FFGC), District X and Deep South Garden Club.
Each of these provides education, resources and national networking opportunities to its members.
The National Garden Club offers a variety of studies and classes for your district.
These may include: Flower Show/Floral Design, Basic Horticulture, Gardening Study, Landscape Design, etc.
The Garden Club of Stuart is in District X of FFGC. There are 2 district meetings a year. Fall and Spring where everyone is invited.
Florida Federation Garden Clubs, Inc. (FFGC), holds a Convention each Spring, with informative programs and every other year, a State Flower Show. They have over 10,000 active members.